Tracking Events (aka High Value Actions)

Tracking Events enables you to inform Pulse Insights that an important event occurred, typically related to a website goal or action, so that you can later correlate survey responses with it.

Example Use Case

By informing Pulse Insights that a purchase event occurred, you can correlate survey responses with a purchase event. This helps you understand how different survey responses affect the probability of a purchase. For example, you could learn the "cost" of missing information on your product pages in terms of lost sales.

The two ways to track events

Using JavaScript

On any page that has the Pulse Insights code snippet, you can push event data like so:

pi('track_event', 'Purchase', {plan: "Gold", value: 50.00});

In Console, by watching for visits to certain URLs

In Console, you can configure visits to a particular URL to create an Event. This method is described in the Console Configuration section.



Add to cart

Key feature enrollments

Lead submissions


Support ticket creation

Last updated

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