URL & Events
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In the URL & Events section, you can set up targeting rules to determine where on your site or app the survey should display, and where it should not display.
Here you can determine which URLs the survey will be eligible to display on. Select from the dropdown one of the following options:
URL Contains - the default and most frequently used option
Regex Matches - Regular Expressions (Regex) is available to solve for advanced use cases for both browser-based and native application based use cases
URL is - targets a specific URL
View Name Contains - mostly used for native mobile apps; e.g., to target the Home page of the application
Regex View Name Matches - Regular Expressions (Regex) is available to solve for advanced use cases for both browser-based and native application based use cases
Event Name Contains - Using event names allows you to call a specific survey (or surveys, if A/B testing) with matching “event name contains” targeting to a specific page or after a particular user action (e.g. clicking on a button).
Next, enter the URL of a page, View name, or Event name in the text field.
Click on “Add New” to add another URL/View Name/Event Name to the whitelist.
Click the trash icon remove the targeting.
Display If rules are "OR" statements (not AND). If you have multiple display if rules, the survey is eligible to show on URLs that match any one of the set display if rules.
URL Contains Examples:
The survey with the targeting shown in Example 1 would display the survey on pulseinsights.com/pricing and pulseinsights.com/pricing/request.
The survey with the targeting shown in Example 2 would display the survey on all pages of pulseinsights.com.
The survey with the targeting shown in Example 3 would display on all pages of the console subdomain, but not on pulseinsights.com.
A survey with URL Contains: utm_source=sem
(as shown in Example 4)would display the survey for campaigns tagged with "sem".
Regex Matches Example:
Regex Matches .*
(as shown in the Regex Example above) would display the survey on all pages where the Pulse Insights code snippet is present.
Display If rules work in conjunction with the Pulse Insights tag. If the tag is not on a page, the survey will NOT be eligible to show, even if the Display If targeting rules are met.
While “Display Survey If” is a whitelist of URLs, View Names and/or Event Names, “Suppress If” is a blacklist.
If a URL/View Name/Event Name matches the criteria established in this section, then the survey will NOT be eligible to render.
The Suppress If fields work together with the Display If fields to determine which URLs the survey will fire on.
The same options are available for suppressing as defined in the previous Display If section.
For example, if Display If URL Contains: pulseinsights.com
AND Suppress If URL Contains: thank-you
the survey would display on all pages of pulseinsights.com EXCEPT those that contain thank-you in the URL.
Click on “Add New” to add another URL/View Name/Event Name to the suppression list.
Click on the trash can icon to delete a Suppress If rule.
Similar to Display If rules, multiple rules within the Suppress If are OR rules. If the URL /Event Name/View Name matches any one of (not all of) the Suppress If rules, then the survey will NOT show.
You want to get a representative read of the site as a whole.
You want to compare results across all pages.
If it is important for many visitors to see the survey.
To use an inline survey here, your tech team will need to create a container/div.
You’d like a representative read across a subset of pages
You want to compare results across all pages.
To use an inline survey here, your tech team will need to create a container/div.
You want to understand the UX of a specific page
You want to know more about the content on one specific page or part of a page.
You want to know about one piece of content or design & would like to put a survey right next to that piece of content.
Inline surveys must be targeted at one page at a time, and are best for asking about objects or content they are placed near.