Presenting a specific survey
For instances where you would like to bypass the targeting engine and control when a survey is displayed, such as when a user clicks a "give feedback" link, you can use the Present method.
Three ways to use the present method
By using a specific survey ID
You can find the ID of a survey in Console. If you are a developer that doesn't have access to Console, you can ask your Client Success Manager to help you.
By using a Present Alias
A Present Alias enables you to use a name instead of a Survey ID. This gives you the flexibility to change the survey that will trigger in Console, without having to update your code to swap the Survey ID.
By using a query string parameter in the URL
For cases, where you're linking to a page and want the page to trigger a specific survey on page load, you can append the following query string into the URL:
By Survey ID:
By Present Alias:
Common Use Cases For Using Present Method
Feedback tabs or footer links
Redirect links from email surveys that should display a Thank You message or follow-up survey
Use the query string parameter ?pi_present for this use case
Button clicks that should trigger a survey
You can also listen for button clicks without using the present method using Console targeting.
For events that are visible to the back-end but not to the client
Last updated
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