Callbacks enable custom functionality such as:
Integrating with custom vendors that use tag-based integrations on your website
Ingesting data from the dataLayer
Creating custom logic or functionality
Two Ways To Implement Callbacks
In Console
You can manage callback code in Console, described in more detail here.
Callback Types
On Impression
Platform delivers a survey to the page
On Viewed Impression
Survey appears in the viewport
When a survey is configured to display as soon as the page loads, the Viewed Impression callback will execute right after the Impression callback
Conversely, when a survey is dependent on user behavior (time on page, scroll percentage, etc.) or is attached to a page section that is not visible on page load, the Viewed Impression callback will only execute when the survey becomes visible
On Answer
User submits an answer
Can fire multiple times for a multiple question survey
On Complete
All questions in a survey path are answered
When a survey contains a single question, the Oncomplete callback will execute right after the Onanswer callback
On Close
The survey is closed
On Click
An anchor tag within a custom content question is clicked.
This callback is only available to use when the account setting "Custom Content Link Tracking" is enabled.
Last updated
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