Columns/Data Dictionary
On demand reports contain the following data:
Survey Name
The name of the survey included in the report.
Survey Metadata
Name of the user that generated the report.
Survey Metadata
Reporting Dates
The date range included in the report.
Survey Metadata
Report Generated
Date when the report was generated.
Survey Metadata
Date of activity.
Aggregate Results by Day
Number of times the survey was returned to be displayed on a page. Impressions are used in the aggregate Submission Rate if viewed impressions are NOT enabled for the entirety of the report date range.
Aggregate Results by Day
Viewed Impressions
(if feature is enabled)
Number of times a survey was returned and seen by a user. Viewed Impressions are used in the aggregate Submission Rate calculation if enabled for the entire report date range.
Aggregate Results by Day
Blended Impressions
(if Viewed Impressions are enabled for a portion, but not all of the date range)
Blended impressions combine regular and viewed impressions for a date range when the Viewed Impression feature was not enabled for the entirety of that range.
The "Blended" total is used in the aggregate Submission Rate calculation for the date range.
Aggregate Results by Day
Number of times at least one question from the survey was answered
Aggregate Results by Day
Submission Rate
submissions/impressions (if viewed impressions are not enabled for report date range)
submissions/viewed impressions (if enabled for full report date range)
submissions/blended impressions (if viewed impressions are enabled for only part of the report date range)
Aggregate Results by Day
Questions & Possible Answers
Question and response text that is displayed to the user.
The number of submissions per question and per response.
The percentage (or share) that a particular response has in comparison to total responses.
Date of submission.
Individual Rows
Time of submission.
Individual Rows
Survey Group Name
(only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
The name given to the group of surveys.
Individual Rows
Survey Name
The name given to the sets of questions. The name given to the Survey ID.
Individual Rows
Question text that is displayed to the user.
Individual Rows
Text version of the user response.
Individual Rows
Question Base
(only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
The base value/short hand name given for the question for survey groups.
Individual Rows
Response Base
(only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
The base value/short hand name given for the response for survey groups.
Individual Rows
Translated Free Text Response
The English translation of a user's open ended feedback.
Individual Rows
Relevant to Open-Ended responses, and manually created by users in Pulse Insights reporting page
Individual Rows
Language Code
(only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
The language code applied to a localized survey.
Individual Rows
Locale Code
(only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
The locale code applied to a localized survey.
Individual Rows
Survey Group ID (only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
ID representing the sets of surveys grouped in a survey group.
Individual Rows Devices
Response Group ID (only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
ID represents each user response.
Individual Rows Devices
Next Question Group ID (only applies to surveys in a Survey Group)
If surveys have multiple questions, this represents the ID of the question group that could be shown next.
Individual Rows
Survey ID
Sets of questions are grouped in each survey. This survey ID represents the survey
Individual Rows
Question ID
ID representing each question that is being displayed.
Individual Rows
Response ID
ID represents each user response
Individual Rows
Next Question ID
If surveys have multiple questions, this represents next question that could be shown.
Individual Rows
Pageview Count
Number of pages viewed by the user.
Individual Rows
Visit Count
Number of visits.
Individual Rows
IP Address
The IP Address of the user.
Individual Rows
Device Type
Device type that is assigned by Pulse Insights (e.g. desktop, mobile, tablet).
Individual Rows
Device UDID
ID assigned to each user based on the device they used. This is assigned by Pulse Insights
Individual Rows
Client Key
Individual Rows
Completion URL
URL that the survey was taken on if web. Native mobile, API/email responses, and Dynamic Email responses don’t include this value.
Individual Rows
View Name
For native mobile/SDK-based responses, the View Name is the equivalent of a Page or Screen name in web-based apps. It is defined by the app developers and typically the same value that gets passed to SDK-based analytics packages as the Page Name.
Individual Rows
Individual Rows
Context Data
Context Data is meant to provide additional details about the user’s current context that typically isn’t immediately observable from the page or screen itself. For example, the category of product the user is viewing or the variant of an A/B test that a user was sorted into. It is explicitly passed to Pulse Insights via JavaScript or API methods during implementation.
Individual Rows
Device Data
Device Data is meant to provide additional details about the device (which is often a proxy for the user) that persist across multiple pageviews and sessions. For example, a customer’s loyalty/membership tier, internal model segmentation value or score, or Persistent IDs from other services work well as device data. Device data is expected to change infrequently (since it describes the customer/device, not the current context). Device Data is explicitly passed to Pulse Insights via JavaScript or API methods during implementation.
Individual Rows
Previous Surveys
null of 0 if user is taking survey for the first time, if not count of surveys previously taken
Individual Rows
Sentiment Score
The result of Google’s NLP API for open-ended/free text responses. Score ranges between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive) and corresponds to the overall emotional leaning of the text
Individual Rows
Sentiment Magnitude
The result of Google’s NLP API for open-ended/free text responses. Magnitude indicates the overall strength of emotion (both positive and negative) within the given text, between 0.0 and +inf. Unlike score, magnitude is not normalized; each expression of emotion within the text (both positive and negative) contributes to the text's magnitude (so longer text blocks may have greater magnitudes).
Individual Rows
The result of Google’s NLP API for open-ended/free text responses. Entity Analysis inspects the given text for known entities (proper nouns such as public figures, landmarks, etc.), and returns information about those entities
Individual Rows
The operating system the user was using when responding to the survey.
Individual Rows
The browser the user was using when responding to the survey.
Individual Rows
Browser Version
The version of the browser the user was using when responding to the survey.
Individual Rows
Mapped based on the type of response: Web/Browser, Mobile SDK, Direct Submission API/Link, or Dynamic Email.
Note that traditional email survey responses use Direct Submissions (Links), so appears in reporting as such while Dynamic Email utilities its own API to classify it as such.
Individual Rows
Last updated
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